We provide groceries to over 360 food insecure families at our pantries in Hinsdale and Willowbrook.
Our Hinsdale Pantry has MOVED
Please read below very carefully:
New address effective August 20th: 22 N Elm St. Hinsdale, IL
(the former Hinsdale Humane Society)
Distribution times: Mondays 3:30-4:30
Fridays 1:00-2:00
All cars will line up in the parking lot of the Hinsdale Seventh Day Adventist Church at 201 N Oak Street. The parking lot opens 1 hour before distribution. Cars will enter the church lot at the N. Oak Street entrance. Cars will exit the church lot at the Walnut Street exit.
We will have distribution at Anne M. Jeans Elementary School, Wednesdays, 5:30-6:30 during our closure. The school parking lot opens at 4:30.
We accept shelf-stable food DONATIONS within expiration date, adult and baby diapers, personal care items, paper goods, brown grocery bags, plastic grocery bags, and garden produce during business hours only. We no longer have bins outside where you can drop donations 24/7. Please bring your items inside —do not leave donations outside and please do not put them in the red garbage bins behind the building. We do not accept expired food, non-shelf-stable food items, clothing, linens, baby gear, or medical supplies.
Hinsdale Donation Drop-Off Hours:
Monday 9:00-2:00
Tuesday 9:00-11:00
Thursday 9:00-Noon
Friday 9:00-Noon
HCS Family Services – Our Work
HCS Family Services is a compassionate not-for-profit organization which has been serving neighbors in need since 1937. We work to prevent food insecurity and create an improved quality of life for the people we serve and their families. Unfortunately, we do not offer financial assistance.
Holiday Gift Assistance Program-CLOSED FOR 2024
2024 Eligibility Guidelines
Update: Our Holiday Program is closed for 2024.
HCS Family Services provides holiday gifts to individuals and families who rely on our food pantries and do not have the means to purchase gifts for themselves or their children. If you received groceries from HCS (Willowbrook and/or Hinsdale) at least SIX (6) times between January 15, 2024 and August 15, 2024, you are eligible to to apply for the holiday program. New this year–registration forms for our Holiday Gift Assistance Program will not be distributed during grocery distribution; we will post the sign-up details on the website in mid-July and will send updates via text. No forms will be accepted after October 18, 2024.
Visit Our Pantries
Each of us knows what it means to struggle at times. And now, especially during this pandemic, we see more families struggling than ever before. Anyone in need of food support is welcome to visit us at our three weekly pantry distributions.
NEW LOCATION effective September 6, 2024:
22 N Elm Street
Hinsdale, IL 60521
Monday – 3:30 – 4:30 pm
Friday – 1:00 – 2:00 pm
Cars line up in the parking lot of the Hinsdale Seventh Day Adventist Church, 201 N Oak Street. The lot opens 1 hour before distribution. Enter the lot at the Oak St. entrance.
16W631 91st Street
Willowbrook, IL 60527
Wednesday – 5:30 – 6:30 pm
Cars line up in the school parking lot. The lot opens at 4:30.
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