Dear Friends,
Last week, long lines of cars extended several blocks as neighbors in need arrived to receive free milk, eggs, produce, meat, bread and non-perishable foods at one of our drive-through distributions in Hinsdale and Willowbrook. We welcomed former guests as well as new families at risk of hunger for the first time as they face unemployment, school closings and uncertainty during the COVID-19 pandemic.
We’re grateful for the staff and volunteers who are working so hard to share food at this time of great need.
We are grateful to all those who have provided generous financial support. These gifts are having immediate impact. As demand for our services grows, we’re working with Northern Illinois Food Bank and other suppliers to purchase incremental food for our two food pantries. Last week, we received 8,000 pounds of extra food that is being quickly shared with our neighbors in need.
Your donations sustain our work during this period of great need. Your gift to HCS Family Services will be stretched to provide nutritious dairy, eggs, produce, protein and more – the foods that are most needed to promote health for those at risk in our community. Now more than ever, your gift is providing hope to our neighbors.
We sincerely thank you for your support during this trying time.
With gratitude,

Stan Cook
Executive Director